Thursday, March 4, 2010

tHe cRaVIeR oF ToFu....=P

seperti yg sume kengkawan rapat ak tau...ak ni mmg ske gle makan tauhu...stiap ari mkn..ala2,gle la kalo xdpt mkn dlm 1 hari ak xdelah amik lelebih...
kte kene ikut saranan Rasulullah s.a.w,bersederhana dlm sume perkara..jd,hari ni tgh sdap2 ak mkn tauhu..smbil tgk notes ak...timbul lah satu idea..
kan best kalo ak bleh wat tauhu sendiri..xyah ssh2 nk kuar g bli tauhu..huhu~(pemalas sbnrnye nk trn kafe...)..wuteva..jd ak pg cek kat tenet...
rupenye,agk snang la sbnrnye nak wat kalo kte ade brg2 die...

so,ak nak kongsi ngan korg cara2 nak wat die...hehe...

Soybeans will double its size after 6 to 8 hours of soaking in room temperature water. One ounce of dry soybean makes about two ounces of tofu although this varies quite a bit for soft tofu or hard tofu.Ni cara2 nk wat 1lb tofu..

1.Bancuh 2 bekas soy milk per SoyaJoy, SoyaPower, or SoyaPower Plus soy milk maker. Once the soy milk is made, the major part of the work for making tofu is done!

2.Pour both batches into a pot n msk smpi mendidih. Then,turn off the heat and add the coagulant solution into the soy milk.make sure ms msok tu yg 1st batches still panas o nk cpat msk pkai je air pns(mcm bancuh milo la jgk)
it may be OK simply mixing the two batches together without simmer it.

3. Prepare coagulant – you can do this while the soymilk tu mendidih.
Dissolve either 1 tsp. nigari (natural magnesium chloride) or 2 tsp. natural calcium sulfate in 1 cup (8 oz.) hot water.
Less coagulant produces softer tofu, while more produces firmer tofu.

4. Pour the prepared coagulant solution slowly into the soy milk, stirring gently.
Stop stirring when 3/4 of coagulant solution has been added. Wait 2-3 minutes.
Now, gently stir the forming curds and sprinkle the last 1/4 of the coagulant solution into any milky areas.
If there are no milky areas,xpyh letak lg dah...(bende ni bgntg pd water quality etc..

5. Once the soymilk has separated into small white curds of tofu and an amber liquid (whey) as shown on pictures above,
transfer curds to a tofu mold (or tofu box) lined with cheesecloth.
Any container yg ade holes utk to allow residual whey to drain can serve as a tofu mold.
A lid is then placed on the forming container, after which a small weight of 3 - 5 pounds is placed on the lid of the container and allowed to sit for 20 minutes or so. A pot or jar of water can serve as the weight.

6. Empty the resulting block of tofu into a tub of cold water and allow it to sit for another hour, then store the tofu in the refrigerator and change the soaking water daily.

"Scientific research has discovered that adding two ounces of soy to your daily diet can help fight breast and prostate cancer,
battle coronary artery disease, ease menopause symptoms, lower your cholesterol, and give a boost to your immune system"
- Dr. Earl Mindell (Soy Miracle, Fireside, New York, 1995)

tauhu dan segala keturunannye byk khasiat tau..antarnye:

-ade isoflavones(genistein n daidzein)naturally occurring plant form of estrogen
that will replicate the function of estrogen in post-menopausal women.
-reduce the risk of prostate cancer by inhibiting cell growth.
-reduce the risk of many digestive disorders because of its high fiber content.
-it is dairy-free (there are a few soy cheeses that contain milk proteins,
so be careful when purchasing them) and can be used as a substitute for lactose intolerance and milk allergies.
-great for the dietary treatment of diabetes because soybeans have a low glycemic index
and are cholesterol free (heart disease is a diabetic related condition).
-can be used as a protein source in vegetarian diets because they contain
the necessary amount of essential amino acids for tissue repair and growth.

****aku hrp information ni dpt menambah pegthuan am dlm otak kte ni..hehe..
kalo ade sape2 yg ade cr yg lbih mudah nk wat tauhu ni bleh la share ngan ak k..=)

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