Friday, March 5, 2010


dulu...ak slalu xphm...nape org tulis blog..nape blog ni dcipta...ape signifficant blog ni dlm khdpn..and y pple terlalu obsessed dgn blog ak tau...sbnrnye simple je jwpn kpd sume soklan2 ak tuh...
blog ni sgtlah berguna coz die mcm diary cumenye kte xpyh ssh2 nk bwk die..pastu bleh share dgn sape2 pon n yg bestnye blog ni dr diary ialah die bleh bg feedback kat kte(i mean komen dr kengkawan kte la kan) itu bkn la topik utama ak arini..hehe..melencong je..

topik ak ialah kehilangan...our biggest fear of all...mmg aku tau x satu pon akn kekal kat dlm dunia ni coz sume ni kepunyaan DIA..wlupun ak pnah merase kehilangan yg besar dlm hidup ak dulu waktu ayahanda tercinta ak pergi menyambut seruan ilahi..but still...this 'fear of losing someone' still become my biggest nightmare...ak takut khlgn insan2 yg tersyg..kaklong,abg,kenit,semut(adik2ku),kiki,aiza,ika,ijat,mami,yuyu..esp. mak ak...mereka ni sume adelah colors of my life...without them im nothin...but then kte ni sume manusia..n manusia owez take pple for granted..and im now one of them...

aku mengaku dgn rasminye kat sini..ak da wat slh ngan one of my besties(one of them yg ak da listed above)...regardless la..die bc blog ni ke x..die tau ke x yg bahawasanya dan sesungguhnye...aku rs sedih sgt2 sbb da skitkan ati die..ak x bermaksud lgsg...maybe ak ni jnis terlampau pikikan sst i feel totally sad..smpikan kalo bleh ak nak je jerit....'ak mintak maaf!!!!!!!! wei,seyes...yang teramat sgt...'(sedihnye...ya Allah,KAU sj yg maha mengetahui)...apepon ak hrp sgt ak x kehilangan die and wish things could be normal just the way it is..die slalu stands besides me whenever i hv problem..i need someone to talk to right from d very beggining when i just get to know die...die once pnah ckp kat aku..'kte ni bknnye a family..kalo kte x jaga sesame kte..sape lg nak tgk2kan kte...'ak terpegun dgn care die piki n i respect gle kat xdpt jd kawan yg bek pd ko...ak xdpt phm ape yg ade dlm jiwa ko..ak xdpt bg blik ape yg ko da bg kat aku...sory sgt2...kalo ko rs ak rs ssh ati sgt2 ble ko jauhkan diri dr ak n mrh kat ak...tolonglah maafkan ak..ak manusia biasa...yg slalu wat kesilapan dlm hidup ak..ak xpndi nak neutral kan keadaan...ak hnye pndi blakon like nothin happen between us...

di kala ni...ak hanye mampu doa..."ya Allah,ya rahman,ya rahim...ak mintak dariMu..lembutkanlah dan bukakanlah pintu ati die utk maafkan ak...die adalah antara kwn yg ak snggup ganti dgn nyawa ak ni termasuklah mereka yg ak senaraikan di atas...dan jika ya Allah,ak tiada jodoh lg dgn mereka ini ya Allah...peliharalah mereka dan berilah yg terbaik utk mereka...sesungguhnya KAU lah yang maha mengetahui...amiin.."

sory guys...i think i need to stop here as i get too emotional rite now..nnt ntuh pape lg ak merepek..see u guys la8r...need to wipe away my tears alone...huhu~

Thursday, March 4, 2010

tHe cRaVIeR oF ToFu....=P

seperti yg sume kengkawan rapat ak tau...ak ni mmg ske gle makan tauhu...stiap ari mkn..ala2,gle la kalo xdpt mkn dlm 1 hari ak xdelah amik lelebih...
kte kene ikut saranan Rasulullah s.a.w,bersederhana dlm sume perkara..jd,hari ni tgh sdap2 ak mkn tauhu..smbil tgk notes ak...timbul lah satu idea..
kan best kalo ak bleh wat tauhu sendiri..xyah ssh2 nk kuar g bli tauhu..huhu~(pemalas sbnrnye nk trn kafe...)..wuteva..jd ak pg cek kat tenet...
rupenye,agk snang la sbnrnye nak wat kalo kte ade brg2 die...

so,ak nak kongsi ngan korg cara2 nak wat die...hehe...

Soybeans will double its size after 6 to 8 hours of soaking in room temperature water. One ounce of dry soybean makes about two ounces of tofu although this varies quite a bit for soft tofu or hard tofu.Ni cara2 nk wat 1lb tofu..

1.Bancuh 2 bekas soy milk per SoyaJoy, SoyaPower, or SoyaPower Plus soy milk maker. Once the soy milk is made, the major part of the work for making tofu is done!

2.Pour both batches into a pot n msk smpi mendidih. Then,turn off the heat and add the coagulant solution into the soy milk.make sure ms msok tu yg 1st batches still panas o nk cpat msk pkai je air pns(mcm bancuh milo la jgk)
it may be OK simply mixing the two batches together without simmer it.

3. Prepare coagulant – you can do this while the soymilk tu mendidih.
Dissolve either 1 tsp. nigari (natural magnesium chloride) or 2 tsp. natural calcium sulfate in 1 cup (8 oz.) hot water.
Less coagulant produces softer tofu, while more produces firmer tofu.

4. Pour the prepared coagulant solution slowly into the soy milk, stirring gently.
Stop stirring when 3/4 of coagulant solution has been added. Wait 2-3 minutes.
Now, gently stir the forming curds and sprinkle the last 1/4 of the coagulant solution into any milky areas.
If there are no milky areas,xpyh letak lg dah...(bende ni bgntg pd water quality etc..

5. Once the soymilk has separated into small white curds of tofu and an amber liquid (whey) as shown on pictures above,
transfer curds to a tofu mold (or tofu box) lined with cheesecloth.
Any container yg ade holes utk to allow residual whey to drain can serve as a tofu mold.
A lid is then placed on the forming container, after which a small weight of 3 - 5 pounds is placed on the lid of the container and allowed to sit for 20 minutes or so. A pot or jar of water can serve as the weight.

6. Empty the resulting block of tofu into a tub of cold water and allow it to sit for another hour, then store the tofu in the refrigerator and change the soaking water daily.

"Scientific research has discovered that adding two ounces of soy to your daily diet can help fight breast and prostate cancer,
battle coronary artery disease, ease menopause symptoms, lower your cholesterol, and give a boost to your immune system"
- Dr. Earl Mindell (Soy Miracle, Fireside, New York, 1995)

tauhu dan segala keturunannye byk khasiat tau..antarnye:

-ade isoflavones(genistein n daidzein)naturally occurring plant form of estrogen
that will replicate the function of estrogen in post-menopausal women.
-reduce the risk of prostate cancer by inhibiting cell growth.
-reduce the risk of many digestive disorders because of its high fiber content.
-it is dairy-free (there are a few soy cheeses that contain milk proteins,
so be careful when purchasing them) and can be used as a substitute for lactose intolerance and milk allergies.
-great for the dietary treatment of diabetes because soybeans have a low glycemic index
and are cholesterol free (heart disease is a diabetic related condition).
-can be used as a protein source in vegetarian diets because they contain
the necessary amount of essential amino acids for tissue repair and growth.

****aku hrp information ni dpt menambah pegthuan am dlm otak kte ni..hehe..
kalo ade sape2 yg ade cr yg lbih mudah nk wat tauhu ni bleh la share ngan ak k..=)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

ChOiCeS iN LiFe....

we are what we choose to be...ak sgt percaye dgn kata2 ak rs ak slalu slh pilih jln dlm idup ak(xpelah..pasrah je kat Allah,maybe ade sbb dsebaliknye..)

8.00 am-10.00 am

-ade exam chemist..ak xabis bace!!!argh!!!...mnyesal gak coz x pndi nak displin kan diri..sbnarnye ak da plan da nak bc chemist mlm ade sorg ni (my crush dl) ajk ak tman die pg bli kek lapis coz esk die flight blik Melaka..cmne ek..ati kate nak ikut!!,otak kate..esok ko ade exam..last2..hehhehe..dpt gak 1 roll kek lapis for free..

-so,klam kabut pg ni..tutup pintu bilik..Alamak!!!kunci tertggl kat dlm bersama kad matrik..mati la ak cmnie..dgn cpt ketuk pintu kak dila(yg tgh sdap tdo lg..alamak rs bersalah yg amat..)dgn mulut bising ak ni,try to xplain kat kdila tp since kdila terpinga2,ak pon tros bkk tgkap bilik die jd spiderman msok dlm tgkp bilik ak yg ade kat sblh(fuh..brani mati ak da terdesak!!ak berserah je)

-on d way pegi bs5,ctf1..ak xnmpk classmate ak pon…cuak!!ak pon lari dgn ksut hmpir 3 inch(nsb bek wedges bkn heels..huhu~)..on d way tu,ade a few boys yg jgk jln nak g klas…dieorg wat muke plik nape ak lari bagai nak gle…dlm ati..PEDULI APE KORG NAK KATE..AKU DA LAMBAT!!!,confidently lari..smpi je..ala,xstart lg pn..ces..

-sbbkan mslh teknikal,exam tu dpendekkan dr 2 jam jd 1 jam 45 min…kene jwb 20MCQ,20 short answer n 3 structure(60 phm je la betapa bnyk nye soalan die..)..ak ni pn dgn selawat n bismillah(gaye pasrah je..)..mak aii..soalan die snang tp MENGELIRUKAN gle..(huda,don’t blame d questions!u should study more…)..akhirnye,ak jwb je la ape yg ade dlm serebrum ak ni..huhu~

10.00 am-12.00 pm

-Natural resource pnye klas..xske..coz klas ni klam kabut(xnmpak ape yg lecturer ni cube sampaikan)..sory a prof..xsume org a good listener n good speaker..hehe..but i ll try my best to get into ur track..

-solve problem..ade 500 hectares divide to downhill land,high terrain and to make full use of it??(fuiyoo…erm..wat oil palm??tnm padi??bela lembu??kmbg??kuda??itik??..aquaforestry??..kebun sayur??..resthouse??tanam tea??..banyak jgk idea ni..hehe..berangan bleh la~~)


-research psl keje utk subjek EPP n other things smbil lunch..solat n siap2 nk g next class


-klas crop breeding..fuh,da makin mencabar nmpknye topic arini(xbleh pndg mata ak mkin lame mcm nak tutup je..hish..ape lagi,minum air mineral byk2 n straight kan bdn..ha..ok2..)

-exam tunda..yes!!ade mase lg nak revise..hehe..tetibe out of no where,terigt esk maulud nabi..cuti..alamak again!!..ak x anta lab repot plant taxonomy..argh!!ckap ngan aiza,sure die terkejut as I am not like this before..ak bese anta awal or on time je..( sbb otak ak yg mlayang2 la ni…damn it!!!)..

-rushing ke bilik,siapkan sket ape yg patot..tros print..again lari2 g fac..smpt2..ade stgh jam lagi..pd blik prof cheksum..xde..great,ape lagi selitkan kat bwh pintu je la..hehe..dlm perjlnn,terigt aiza suh tnye psl exam plant propagation..ngan ati yg berbunga riang menuju ke bilik lecturer dyg..(sory prof zin..curang sekejap..)hehe..

-msok je “yes,nurul huda..wut makes u here?”..”erm..i would like to know d distribution question 4 our midsem test..hehe’..’owh ok..bla..bla..bla…ok?”..”yeah..thanx mdme…hehe”..”its ok..anything else?”..’nope…”..”ok,gudluck,im sure u hv done ur notes n homework rite??”..confidently reply..”yes..=)”..sblm kluar,ak berhenti..”madme,slamat mnyambut maulud nabi’..with bright smile on her face”oh good of u nurul huda..same goes to u..”(hehe..kembang kejap lbg idung ak nih..)


-Rehat-solat,tdo…zzzz~~(1 lg bende x elok korg wat.jgn tdo pas ak pnat la..skali ni je,lgpon ak da lame x wat bende ni..hehe)


-dinner smbil tgk cte Na O Mei…ble iklan g laptop cr info on how to manage time efficiently..hehe..solat n baca yassin..

**kesimpulannye..kwn2..ak ni bkn la a good time planner..worst i think(b4 this ak xdela smpi cmni truk..huhu~)…tp xpe..ak blaja lg..nnt ble ak da dpt cr yg CAMBEST…I ll write it down k…

p/s:slamat menyambut maulidur rasul kpd sume umat islam…same2lah kte berselawat ke atas baginda,Rasulullah s.a.w..yg tlah byk berkorban utk kte umatnye(terharu~)..

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

CoMpLeXioN oF LiFe... kind a busy...not say busy tp its seems like sume mcm xbrape nak to say..hmmm...ok, tadi,igt kan nak bgn awl pas solat subuh tp tup2 da pkul 8(xbek sbnrnye tdo pas sbuh,rzeki xmsok,so,jgn tiru k..hehe)..punye tdo xigt dunia,mentang2lah xde molecular lab arini..ske ati je..anyway,da tu tros g toilet nk cuci muka..tbe2 xde musti kes tangki bocor yg sgt dasyat kat blok ak smlm ni..msok bilik,tros hs bunyi..sape la plak ni..rupe2nye si fafa,dgn nada cemas mntk ak ckp ngan mk cik cleaner,suh bkk air kjap dgn alasan sume org nk mndi coz nak g klas...ak pon dgn baju tdo slambe je trun bwh xtnye mkcik tu pon,ak ske ati je bkk pili air utama kat bwh tu(peduli ape ak..jnji sume dpt mandi dgn gembira..haha).. naik bilik balik,bkk buku chemist..ak pon xtau ape ak bace dlm 2jam..otak ak seolah2 mlyang..ak x tau la ak piki psl die o ak mmg x minat chemist ni sbnrnye..huhu)..pkul 10.30..x bleh jd ni..kene pg jmpe lecturer..decide last minute n ade klas pkul 11 smpi,rushing ke fac...smpi je kat bilik miss,die kate die ade urgent meeting...tu die..lemah longlai ak g klas plant propagation..nothng much(blaja tissue culture),coz ak mmg ske plant prop ni..(confident je bleh score..=P)..afta klas,kene thn ngan dak2 cina classmate..dieorg mntk ak ajr french coz dieorg ade role play esok..ajar pnye ajar..dah pkul 1.45(terigt ak ade swimming!!)..blom mkn,solat lagi,nk siap lg..baju ak kat dlm mesin lg..dgn langkah yg sgt laju, rushing ke bilik..xsmpt2..sian plak nnt ijat tggu ak(ak x ske org tggu ak,rs kalo ak nk tggu org tu ikut mood la..hehe),ak kol ijat..nsb bek die cool je...smpi kat kafe kng,ijat tros suh ak lari..nmpk plak die ak ni dr jauh ek..berlari2 dgn ijat dgn spnuh ati mengejar bus..dlm bus yg pnuh sesak tuh,ak mengipas2 x mengira org coz sgt pns n berpeluh sbb lari td...smpi kat HEP,bus da xde..bgs gak cz kteorg juz need to sign attendant je...pastu,bersame dua jejaka(ijat n yuyu)lepak di pohon mas..mkn2 smbil2 membncgkan buku yg ak pnjm dr pakcik ak 'the science of ALLAH'..bestlah..coz we do share a lot of things n toughts(tp otak ak still mlayang..haih..)..ade prempuan tgur ijat..dlm ati(perempuan lg..)..ijat ni mmg hot..rmai btol kwn die esp girls..(p/s:ijat,kalo ko btol la ade ati kat mane2 girl kan..ckp je..mesti prmpuan tu trime..hehe)..yuyu pn rmai tp as a VIP person..hehe..yelah urus function tu la ini la..ak?? ngan study la kot..owez ngan buku..huhu~(tu sbb la kalo ak spent time pon dgn dak 2 org ni je)..sdar x sdar..dah 2 jam berlalu..time flies..kteorg pon decide blik nek bus(panas kot kalo nk jln)..ak realize,ak kurg ckp ngan ijat arini..trn dr bus,ijat lalu blakang then ak follow die..die kate nape x ikut dpn je..somehow,ak rase ijat nak lari dr aku(mcm takut ade org nmpk kteorg dua jln??) ak yg piki lebih ni...hish..huda,u hv to think less..stop worrying too much(tp ganggu prasaan ak la dol!!tu sbb la ak piki..)wuteva,balik bilik ak yg pnuh dgn buku n keje yg x abis2 ni(bosannye la idup ni...haih)..tros bukak laptop..ape lg,update sgalenye..hehe..nak pg grai sushi makck ak tp nnt la dlm pkul 6 coz panas(ak sure jln kaki coz xske nek bus)..fuh,oklah...ak nak kmas bilik ak nih n start bace chemistry..mlm ni ms ak dhabiskan dgn chemist je(esk exm arini klam kabut bc..bgus2)...hehe..hopefully,dpt jwb dgn tenang esok..ya Allah,tolong la bg ktngn n konsentrasi pd ak..amiin..=)

Monday, February 22, 2010

New BoRn...

This is my first blog that i ever made(dulu ade la skali under frenster..hehe)..but this one is d new one since i think i need it as a record for my journey of life...why is it entitled half naked life??bcoz i will share half of my true life story in this blog...and it is juz an ordinary blog of a simple person that sometimes got mixed up with some problems that she think this life is so unpredictable(sometimes miserable,fun,exciting,boring...etc.).Lastly,all that i wanted to say is...i hope my blog will cherish n give some thoughts to those who read it...=))..p/s:i hope all of u will enjoy it...=)